Tour To Milan Basti


I always have that inherent urge to travel to new places and explore their nooks and corners that own their own magical spell. Darjeeling has always been the  but if we decide to opt for a serene and peaceful homestay near it, then both are travel and stay can blend into a superb sojourn that will make its mark on its own quaintness and solitude.

The spectacular view of the Kanchenjunga in its own lustre and display, the gracious greens of the nature, the tall trees, the striking hilly paths, the gazing tea gardens create a unique and captivating ambience for a tempting homestay and surrounding sightseeing.

Sitting and sipping coffee with the sun-kissed Kanchenjunga is always a delight to watch and at times just sitting and soaking in this pretty whiff of air sometimes is so relaxing and refreshing. But Darjeeling and its beauty should never be missed and so the surrounding places like

should be visited as the hustle and the bustle of our own Dainty Darjeeling spells out its remarkably and distinctiveness.

Pack your bags to explore the unseen and unravel the intriguing MilanBasti and Miles to Go is always a call away and a text away to plan out the most memorable and enjoyable vacation forever.

Homestay charges are INR 1250 only per head per day with all meals.

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